In-depth guidance and exceptional support that ensures all students have a successful college career and a bright future full of possibility.
Mentoring Matters: A Systematic Approach
The heart of our work is in mentoring. It’s this college coaching with the goal of degree completion that helps Ellis Foundation scholars truly succeed. Our mentoring team meets with our students each semester through campus visits and one-to-one interaction, as well as keeping in touch on the phone and via email.
We are committed to helping students succeed - and it works! Ellis scholars graduate at a rate nearly twice the national average.
Statistics show that the risk of dropping out is greatest during freshman year. We address this risk by individually matching every incoming freshman with an Ellis mentor. As our students progress through college, we encourage them to form pre-career networks. We look for students with similar degrees and encourage peer mentoring from Ellis scholars as well as direct input from Ellis alumni.
We also encourage our students to minimize debt by working part-time during college and by exploring additional scholarship opportunities.
An Attitude of Gratitude
All Ellis scholars are required to provide at least one written update each semester. These notes provide an interesting indication of student progress and help to create an affinity between our students and their sponsors.
At the Ellis Foundation, we invest in America’s future leaders and see philanthropy as an important trait to be fostered among our students. Ellis scholars sign a non-binding covenant, agreeing to reach out to other Ellis scholars in the future. These networking connections allow current students to learn from those already advancing within their chosen industry.